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Vendors near and far bask is success of Mt. Hope Showcase    – Mt. Hope Event Center

Vendors near and far bask is success of Mt. Hope Showcase   

If you were in the Mt. Hope area between February 17 and 19, you may have noticed that something was going on.

There was.

Folks flocked to the area from all over the nation to do a combination of two things. One, to attend the Mt. Hope Showcase & Tool Expo and two, to bid on antiques, guns, woodworking equipment, tools and heavy machinery at the Airworks Auction.

Actually, thousands of folks flocked to the Mt. Hope Auction grounds.

The main beneficiary of those in attendance were the vendors that filled the Mt. Hope Event Center.  Local and out-of-town vendors were able to field questions and sales from the thousands in attendance.

This was the sixth time the Mt. Hope Showcase has been held at the Mt. Hope Event Center since the building was built in 2018.

Founder of the event, Reuben Troyer of Airworks, LLC in Apple Creek, described the show as not only benefiting the vendors inside the building, but the entire business community in Holmes and Wayne County.

“We live in a community that is so blessed. The showcase was once again a highlight to all, and we love the idea that this is an event that all can enjoy at no cost,” said Troyer.

“It also does a lot for our business community that isn’t at the showcase, but receives additional business from all the out-of-town visitors,” Troyer continued.

Over 150 vendors setup inside and outside in the vendor tent and displayed a plethora of different equipment or services.

Jeff Miller of Century Components, whose business has been a loyal participant of the show all six years, says this is an important weekend for his company for a few reasons.

“People buy from people,” said Miller. “That’s why we exhibit at the Mt. Hope Showcase. This is our go-to show where we get to see our customers, launch new products, and talk business. It’s a can’t miss event for Century.”

Another stalwart of the Showcase is Stoll Brothers from Oden, Indiana. Owner Leroy Stoll’s booth is always packed full of attendees trying to get their hands on tools of all sorts.  Stoll says he can’t wait for the opportunity each year to setup up at the show.

“The reason Stoll Brothers sign up for the Showcase immediately after we receive the show mailing each year is because this event is the best way for our out-of-state customers to connect with our business,” said Stoll. “Although we enjoy sales increases nearly every year at the event, it’s the contacts that we make at the Showcase that supports our business the other 11 months of the year.”

Each of the last six years the show has grown by leaps and bounds and the loyal vendor participation is the number one reason why. While the Showcase does not have an official attendance number, if you were here or passing through Mt. Hope you know the event was bigger than ever.

Scott Pence on Industrial Parts and Services agreed that the attendance of the 2022 show was once again plentiful.  Pence was seen during the show weekend exhibiting his Linde and CombiLift brands.

“I always enjoy seeing my current customers and introducing my Linde and CombiLift brands to people who don’t know who we are,” said Pence. “The attendance was amazing, a lot of traffic”

Like Pence, Scarlett Machinery’s Tim Hohman also commented on the attendance boost for this year’s show.

“Scarlett thought the attendance was fantastic,” said Hohman. “Decision makers and owners were all represented throughout the three-day show. It was a fantastic opportunity to engage the community in discussion about best practices and evolving processes in one place in a comfortable and neutral environment.”

The 2023 version of the Showcase will take place on February 16-18 as the showcase looks to grow even more.

Unfortunately, there is a waiting list to become a vendor at the show. If you have any aspirations of your company becoming a vendor, please email airworksauction.com







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